When Your "T" is Low: Symptoms of Low Testosterone and How to Find Treatment in Staten Island or New Jersey

Published on
May 12, 2024
Nu Forma

In our culture, testosterone is associated with potency, strength, and masculinity. But what is it really and what does it do? 

Testosterone is what is known as an androgen. It’s a sex hormone produced by the testicles in men and the ovaries in women.

Hormones are like messengers. They travel throughout the body sending signals, which in turn kick off all sorts of different reactions; in this case, it’s hair growth during puberty, sex drive, and the reinforcement of bone and muscle strength, among other things. 

The human body needs a certain level of testosterone to operate properly. However, certain conditions can cause those levels to drop, resulting in Low Testosterone Syndrome, commonly referred to as “Low T.” 

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

Low Testosterone affects both the body and the mind. It can be draining and stressful, and at first, it can be difficult to get a proper diagnosis. Many of the symptoms involved can easily be dismissed as a sign of old age–which is normally when low testosterone takes hold–or they could be explained away by another condition. It’s important to know how to tell the difference.  Let’s go over a few of the symptoms below. 

Low Sex Drive

Our libido waxes and wanes throughout our lives, and it can depend on any number of factors, including mood, diet, and exhaustion. But when sex drive is low it can be a huge stressor on both a personal and interpersonal level. We may find ourselves less attracted to our partners. We could lose interest in them and pull away. We might also find ourselves unable to enjoy sex, and we’ll usually have trouble performing. This can put a strain on relationships. If you experience low sex drive for a long period of time, it might be a sign of low testosterone. 

Hair Loss

It is common for people of both sexes to lose hair on their scalps as they age. But if you’re losing facial and body hair as well, it may be a sign of low testosterone. 


Testosterone provides the body with feelings of overall vitality and healthy levels of energy. It’s known to be a serious motivator. When levels are low, patients can experience extreme fatigue. They may also feel drowsy throughout the day, even if they’ve rested. In some cases, depression may set in, significantly lowering a patient’s quality of life. This is one of the most common symptoms of low testosterone. 


Low testosterone is associated with higher levels of cortisol, which regulates alertness. This can keep patients up at night. They might toss and turn and find themselves unable to enter a rested state. They may also develop obstructive sleep apnea, a condition that causes patients to stop breathing while they are asleep. 

Muscle Wasting

Testosterone stimulates the production of proteins that build muscle. When your body can’t get enough, muscle mass begins to wane. This can be noticeable. You might not be able to benchpress as much as you used to. You could have trouble running. The lack of muscle mass might even be visible when you look in the mirror. For many people, it results in a loss of confidence, and it may contribute to the feelings of depression and sadness that so often come along with testosterone deficiencies. 

Take Back Your Life with Testosterone Replacement Therapy at Nü Forma Wellness

Are you ready to reinvigorate yourself? Increase your sex drive? Run, lift weights, sleep like a rock, and enjoy your newfound youth? 

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then Testosterone Replacement Therapy at Nü Forma Wellness in Staten Island or New Jersey is right for you. It’s a safe, straightforward solution, capable of effectively reversing the effects of your condition, and it’s available now. All you have to do is book an appointment online.