Recharge, Reboot, Revive: How NAD IV Therapy Can Change Your Life for the Better

Living deep within each and every one of your cells is a little coenzyme we like to call NAD, but you could always call it by its scientific name—nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide—if you want to sound fancy.
For the rest of this article, we’ll stay humble and stick with NAD.
NAD is one of those molecules that’s doing way more for you than you can ever imagine. Not only does it play a crucial role in energy production and cellular health, but it also helps slow down the aging process.
If that’s the case, then why are so many of us so exhausted all the time?
And why do some of us feel like we’re 25 years older than we actually are?
Well, that’s because NAD levels in the body are known to decrease as we age—and when we start losing NAD, our energy, cellular efficiency, and youthfulness go with it. It’s the harsh reality that comes with life.
But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered—or should we say IV got you covered.
NAD to the Bone: What Does NAD Do for the Body?
Most of us know that carbohydrates get broken down into glucose (sugar), but what happens after that?
Long story short, that glucose undergoes a series of biochemical reactions before being released as adenosine triphosphate, also known as ATP, the primary source of used and stored energy in living cells.
In other words, carbs equals glucose, equals ATP, equals energy.
But before the body can get ATP, it first needs NAD, a “carrier molecule” that supplies the mitochondria of each living cell with the protons and electrons it needs to produce that wonderful thing we call energy.
In other words, think of NAD as your local UPS driver—and the packages as protons and electrons. The mitochondria (powerhouse of the cell) would be you, patiently waiting for the NAD to deliver your goods.
Unfortunately, as we age, our NAD levels decline and our energy goes with it.
And if that’s not enough, NAD also plays a role in repairing DNA damage, slowing down the natural aging process, reducing inflammation, stress resistance, and defending the body against oxidative stress.
Drip, Drip, Hooray: What Is IV Drip Therapy?
You might be wondering if there’s a way to boost NAD levels once they start dropping.
The answer is yes, and one of the more innovative ways is with IV drip therapy.
IV therapy, or intravenous therapy, is a treatment where fluids, vitamins, minerals, medications, and other essential nutrients are directly infused into the bloodstream through a vein, usually via a small IV bag.
Unlike oral medications and supplements, IV therapy can bypass the digestive system for rapid delivery and maximum absorption of nutrients. That’s why so many hospitals and emergency rooms rely on it!
Of course, there’s a lot you can do with IV therapy…
For example, IV therapy can be used to deliver a mix of nutrients designed to treat dehydration or provide immune support. But for the sake of this article, we use IV therapy to deliver NAD to your bloodstream.
Keep Calm and NAD: What to Expect From NAD IV Therapy
Before we administer NAD IV therapy, we like to meet with our patients to discuss their goals.
This gives us a chance to learn a little more about what they’re looking to achieve—that way, we can determine whether or not NAD is the best route. If not, we’ll find you a solution that better fits you.
If you’re a good candidate, we’ll give you a set of instructions to follow leading up to the big day.
When that day comes, be prepared for a relaxing, soothing, and therapeutic experience.
While NAD IV therapy generally takes one to five hours, our patients will get to lounge back and relax in a comfortable reclining chair while reading, watching TV, or resting—whatever will help you pass the time!.
Here are just some of the benefits of undergoing NAD intravenous therapy:
- Slows down the aging process at the cellular level
- Boosts your metabolism and aids weight loss
- Improves mental clarity and brain power
- Helps overcome fatigue and increases energy levels
- Reverses sun damage in some cases
- Reduces inflammation and swelling
- Eases your mind and body of the stresses of modern life
- Repairs cells and DNA damage
Most patients will go through an initial “loading period” and may be invited back for several sessions over the first few weeks. After the “loading dose,” we’ll start a “maintenance schedule” for periodic touch-ups.
Cell-ebrate Life at the Nü Forma Wellness Lounge
Do you feel exhausted, even after a full night’s rest? Is your body starting to show signs of aging, well before you were expecting it to? Do you feel like your mind and body are trending downwards right now?
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of those questions, then don’t worry—you’ve come to the right place!
Welcome to Nü Forma Wellness Lounge—where Staten Island & New Jersey goes to feel alive again!
Not only do we offer NAD therapy, but we offer a wide range of vitamin IV drips, B12 shots, custom vitamin plans, and lipo shots. Whatever your goals are, we’ll help you find the best route forward!
Contact us today at (212) 448-5996 or book your appointment online now to learn more!